summitmedicalphysics - News 2024-10-14T16:49:36+01:00 summitmedicalphysics 2021-03-29T20:30:11+01:00 2021-03-29T20:30:11+01:00 Three New Blends, Freshly Roasting from Today! Janice Spencer Coffee-Direct has just launched three delightful new coffee blends that you may like to try. All of these blends are medium roasted and suitable to be used with cafetière, filter, percolator or Turkish brewing methods:



Coffee-Direct has just launched three delightful new coffee blends that you may like to try. All of these blends are medium roasted and suitable to be used with cafetière, filter, percolator or Turkish brewing methods:

Three Peaks Arabica is smooth and rich, with a slight acidity and delicious nutty taste. This distinctive blend is created with some of the finest coffees from Kenya, Colombia and Costa Rica, grown in areas where the high altitude, warm climate and moderate rainfall help to produce high quality coffee beans with wonderful pronounced and distinctive flavours.

Dolce Arabica is a fabulous combination of Congolese Kivu and Indian Mysore beans that is truly a match made in heaven. The sweetness of Mysore beans blends perfectly with the complex fruit flavours of Kivu coffee, resulting in a full bodied coffee with a wonderful aroma. It can be enjoyed at any time of day, and is an ideal choice for your lattes, cappuccinos and Americanos.

Café Elegante is a luxurious blend of Colombian and Kenyan varieties that produces a full bodied cup with a sharp acidity, and subtle fruitiness. A flavoursome coffee with a glorious, rich aroma, Café Elegante is sure to appeal to those who enjoy a medium strength blend that is perfectly suited to filter and cafetière use, and it may well become a new favourite.

]]> 2020-12-10T19:38:27+00:00 2020-12-10T19:38:27+00:00 From the Land of Smiles - Thailand Doi Chang Coffee Janice Spencer Thailand Doi Chang Coffee offers something deliciously different for the speciality coffee lover. This quality, single-origin coffee is grown and produced in the beautiful mountain region of Doi Chang in northern Thailand’s Chiang Ria Province. A smooth and full-bodied cup, Thailand Doi Chang has a balanced acidity, delicious caramel and nut flavours, and a unique, rich aroma. It has a relatively high oil level, a low caffeine content, and is suitable for all brewing methods.



Thailand Doi Chang Coffee offers something deliciously different for the speciality coffee lover. This quality, single-origin coffee is grown and produced in the beautiful mountain region of Doi Chang in northern Thailand’s Chiang Ria Province. A smooth and full-bodied cup, Thailand Doi Chang has a balanced acidity, delicious caramel and nut flavours, and a unique, rich aroma. It has a relatively high oil level, a low caffeine content, and is suitable for all brewing methods.

Although a relative newcomer to the coffee industry, Thailand has earned a reputation for producing quality, world-class speciality coffees that are appreciated for their complexity of flavours. Thailand’s coffee industry started as a result of a royal initiative that encouraged farmers to grow Arabica coffee as a cash crop, as well as fruit trees, in an attempt to eliminate opium production. The Thai Royal Project was set up in 1969 by King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and one of its main objectives was to enable hill tribe people, who relied on opium poppy production for their livelihoods, to turn their hand to coffee cultivation instead. Not only did this result in increased prosperity for the farmers, but also, sustainable methods of farming have helped to restore areas of forest that had been ravaged by deforestation.

Both Arabica and Robusta coffee beans are grown in Thailand; Robusta is mainly grown in southern Thailand, but the higher quality Arabica coffees are grown in Thailand’s northern provinces of Chiang Mai, Chiang Ria, Mae Hong Son, Lampang and Tak. In these regions, a cooler climate, rich soil, and high elevations produce some of Southeast Asia’s best coffee beans. Coffee grows in shaded areas, as well as in the sun, with coffee trees often intercropped with fruit trees. Coffee cherries are selectively hand-picked to ensure optimum ripeness, and are then wet-processed and dried in the sun.

Thailand is a place that is known for its tea drinking culture, but it has embraced a coffee culture that has taken off in a big way in recent years, with chain coffee shops and small independent ones opening across the country. A large percentage of coffee grown is for the domestic market, making those varieties that are exported much in demand. Thailand’s flourishing speciality coffee market has made coffee cultivation a career choice for young entrepreneurs, with many coffee farms being run by a younger generation of farmers compared to other coffee growing countries.

Thailand Doi Chang Coffee has now been added to our fabulous range of Asian Coffees, each of them offering a unique flavour profile to enjoy. At Coffee-Direct, we roast to order, so your coffee will always arrive in the freshest condition possible, and offer a range of grind options as well as whole beans.

]]> 2020-08-04T15:27:00+01:00 2020-08-04T15:27:55+01:00 Mexican Coffee - a Bright and Lively Cup Janice Spencer Coffee-Direct’s Mexican Coffee is a smooth, full-bodied cup, with a buttery mouthfeel and fine acidity; it reveals subtle flavours of chocolate, malt, and nuts and has a delicious spicy aftertaste. This medium roast coffee is sourced from the coastal region of Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico’s southernmost state, that lies close to the Guatemalan border. In this lush area of pine forests and tropical rainforests, coffee grows in the cool, higher altitudes, where rich volcanic soil and ample rainfall help to create the perfect conditions for growing high quality coffee.



Coffee-Direct’s Mexican Coffee is a smooth, full-bodied cup, with a buttery mouthfeel and fine acidity; it reveals subtle flavours of chocolate, malt, and nuts and has a delicious spicy aftertaste. This medium roast coffee is sourced from the coastal region of Soconusco, Chiapas, Mexico’s southernmost state, that lies close to the Guatemalan border. In this lush area of pine forests and tropical rainforests, coffee grows in the cool, higher altitudes, where rich volcanic soil and ample rainfall help to create the perfect conditions for growing high quality coffee.

Coffee production in Mexico has seen its ups and downs since the late 18th century, when coffee is first thought to have been introduced by Spanish settlers from the Antilles. Arabica seedlings were planted in Veracruz, which is today one of the three main growing regions, along with Oaxaca and Chiapas. Land registration laws in Mexico in the 1860s made it possible for rich Europeans to buy land for coffee production. The indigenous people were initially forced out of the area, but after a time many returned to work on coffee farms in the places they once lived. In 1914, new laws were introduced to redistribute land to the indigenous people, and by the end of the Mexican Revolution in 1920, coffee was being produced on many smallholder farms. The Mexican Coffee Institute (INMECAFE) was set up in 1973 by the government to offer financial and technical help to coffee farmers, and cooperate with the International Coffee Agreement in respect of production quotas. A sharp increase in coffee production followed, but then a gradual decline, as financial pressures forced the government to prioritise more lucrative exports, such as minerals. In 1989, INMECAFE was dissolved, to the detriment of many smallholder farmers. However, over the years many cooperatives have been formed and production has steadily increased, as well as a growing emphasis on ethically sourced and organic coffee production.

Today, Mexico produces a substantial amount of coffee, with a wide range of flavour profiles, from light bodied coffees with delicate flavours to more robust varieties with rich caramel and toffee notes. Mexican Coffee is just one of the fabulous range of coffees from the Americas that Coffee-Direct can roast to order and deliver to your door. It is suitable for bean-to-cup, cafetière, espresso and filter machines.

]]> 2020-06-12T14:27:00+01:00 2023-01-27T09:54:45+00:00 In a Class of Its Own - Kenya AA Coffee Janice Spencer If you’re looking for a full-bodied coffee that is smooth and mellow, with no bitterness, then Kenya AA Coffee could be the one for you. Kenyan coffees are known for their deliciously sweet, berry fruit flavours and intense acidity, and Kenya AA embodies all these excellent characteristics, and more.


IPack of Kenya AA Coffeef you’re looking for a full-bodied coffee that is smooth and mellow, with no bitterness, then Kenya AA Coffee could be the one for you. Kenyan coffees are known for their deliciously sweet, berry fruit flavours and intense acidity, and Kenya AA embodies all these excellent characteristics, and more. In Kenya, coffees are graded using a combination of bean size and quality. After being hulled, the coffee beans are mechanically shaken through sieves to determine their grade. Those with an AA rating are the specially selected larger beans that are considered superior and therefore more valuable.

Some of the finest coffees in the world come from Central Kenya, and the knowledge and expertise of Kenyan coffee farmers, along with research and development of farming practices has ensured the quality of their coffee is consistently high. Kenya AA Coffee is grown in the fertile Nyeri region of the Aberdare foothills, where the amazing spectacle of Mount Kenya can be seen. This magnificent area has lush forests of eucalyptus and acidic red soil that provide the perfect environment for coffee production. Predominantly grown on smallholder farms, coffee is cultivated at altitudes of 1,200-2,300m, (3,900-7,500ft), where it is usual for two crops a years to be produced.

Kenya AA Coffee is just one the range of African coffees that Coffee-Direct can deliver directly to your door. We roast to order, so your coffee will always arrive in the freshest condition possible, and offer a range of grind options as well as whole beans.

]]> 2019-08-01T10:04:00+01:00 2023-01-27T11:30:26+00:00 Say Aloha to Kona Hawaii Coffee - a Rare and Exquisite Delight Janice Spencer Kona Hawaii Coffee is a pleasingly smooth, full-bodied coffee with a moderate acidity, that carries the most exquisite flavours and a rich, heady aroma. This fabulous coffee is sourced from a family-run plantation in the small town of Captain Cook, situated high on the volcanic slopes of Mauna Loa. The area is ideal for growing coffee, having a microclimate of sun-drenched mornings, cloud-covered afternoons, mild nights and abundant rainfall. The region is known for producing some of the finest coffees in the world, with an emphasis on growing beans of superior and consistent quality.


Beach scene with canoesKona Hawaii Coffee is a pleasingly smooth, full-bodied coffee with a moderate acidity, that carries the most exquisite flavours and a rich, heady aroma. This fabulous coffee is sourced from a family-run plantation in the small town of Captain Cook, situated high on the volcanic slopes of Mauna Loa. The area is ideal for growing coffee, having a microclimate of sun-drenched mornings, cloud-covered afternoons, mild nights and abundant rainfall. The region is known for producing some of the finest coffees in the world, with an emphasis on growing beans of superior and consistent quality.

The cultivation of coffee in Hawaii goes back to 1825, when it was first grown successfully in the Manoa Valley, from seedlings brought from Brazil by the governor of Oahu, Chief Boki. It wasn’t long before coffee was being produced across the islands, being introduced to Kona on the Big Island around 1827. An English merchant and landowner, Henry Nicholas Greenwell, opened a store in the Kona District in 1850, and eventually established Kona Coffee as a brand.

In the 1980s, there was an increase in coffee production in Hawaii when sugarcane became a less profitable crop, and coffee trees were planted in its place. Coffee is now grown in eleven main regions across the islands. Much of it is produced on independent farms run by families of migrant workers from Japan and China, who came to work on sugarcane plantations and coffee farms in the late 1800s. A number of them were offered parcels of land to lease after the 1899 world coffee market crash. Some farms are run by families of Filipinos who also came to Hawaii to work in the 1920s, and others run by Hawaiians, Europeans and Americans.

Kona Coffee is such a rare and sought-after coffee, and being a more expensive variety, in the past its great name has been exploited. There is now legislation on the island in respect of labelling laws, that states only coffee made with 100% Kona coffee beans is allowed to be called ‘Kona Coffee’ and bear the Kona trademark that confirms its authenticity. This ensures inferior blends with small percentages of Kona coffee are not passed off as the real thing.

Perfect for use in cafetiere and filter machines, Kona Coffee is just one of over 100 wonderful coffees from around the world, including other rare and exclusive varieties such as Kopi Luwak and Blue Mountain Jamaica, that Coffee-Direct can deliver directly to your door. We roast to order, so your coffee will always arrive in the freshest condition possible, and offer a range of grind options as well as whole beans.
