summitmedicalphysics - News 2024-10-14T16:49:36+01:00 summitmedicalphysics 2019-11-19T18:51:00+00:00 2023-01-26T13:07:19+00:00 Bold and Beautiful Blue Sumatra Coffee Janice Spencer If you’re looking for a strong, heavier-bodied coffee with deep, rich flavours and no bitterness, then Blue Sumatra Coffee could be the one for you. Grown on the beautiful, wild and rugged island of Sumatra, Indonesia, coffee trees here benefit from a climate perfect for coffee cultivation, and the coffee beans produced carry a diverse range of intriguing and complex characteristics and flavours. Blue Sumatra is considered to be one of the finest examples from the region.


Indonesian Hillside ViewIf you’re looking for a strong, heavier-bodied coffee with deep, rich flavours and no bitterness, then Blue Sumatra Coffee could be the one for you. Grown on the beautiful, wild and rugged island of Sumatra, Indonesia, coffee trees here benefit from a climate perfect for coffee cultivation, and the coffee beans produced carry a diverse range of intriguing and complex characteristics and flavours. Blue Sumatra is considered to be one of the finest examples from the region, whilst Sumatra coffee is highly regarded in the world.

Coffee has been an export of Indonesia since the 16th century, when production was under the control of the Dutch East India Company, and today the country is the fourth largest coffee producer in the world. Both Arabica and Robusta coffees are grown across three main regions of Sumatra, mostly on smallholder farms. Indonesian coffees are unique, mainly because of the more unusual way the coffee cherries are processed, by using a semi-washed, or wet hulling technique called ‘giling basah’. After the ripe cherries are harvested, the outer skin is removed and the mucilage-coated beans are left a day before being washed and partially dried, but still retaining 30-35 per cent of their moisture. They are then hulled in their semi-wet state, and dried enough to be safely stored. The raw beans at this stage will appear bluish green in colour. This method results in coffee beans with far less acidity and an interesting range of characteristics and flavours, that include smoky, earthy, vegetal, chocolate, liquorice, cocoa, butterscotch and cedar wood. In Blue Sumatra Coffee you will find a fabulously smooth and full-bodied cup, with a delicious, intense aroma and light, syrupy mouthfeel. It also has a well-balanced spiciness typical of Sumatran coffees. Because of its strength, it’s a great choice for coffee drinks with milk, and is suitable for use in bean-to-cup, cafetière, espresso and filter machines.

Blue Sumatra is just one of over 100 wonderful coffees from around the world that Coffee-Direct can deliver directly to your door. We roast to order, so your coffee will always arrive in the freshest condition possible, and offer a range of grind options as well as whole beans.
