summitmedicalphysics 2023-04-18T08:50:03+01:00 summitmedicalphysics 2023-04-18T08:50:03+01:00 2023-04-18T08:50:03+01:00 Zimbabwe (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 28.99

A medium bodied coffee, sourced from Zimbabwe's Eastern highlands, which shows complex wine and berry flavours and a pleasantly sharp acidity that makes it wonderful in a filter coffee, or as a rich, fruity espresso.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Zimbabwe Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 28.99 000112-50 908 2020-07-30T13:13:00+01:00 2020-07-30T13:13:00+01:00 Yemeni Matari (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 57.99

From north Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula, comes one of the truly exotic coffees of the world - Yemeni Mattari, the famed Mocha coffee which has been acclaimed for generations for its distinctive chocolate aftertaste. Yemen produces some of the best coffee in the world, despite very difficult conditions, and it has been doing so for hundreds of years. Only 3% of Yemen's land is considered arable, and just under a quarter of that is dedicated to coffee production. As a cash crop, coffee is second only to qat, a popular mild stimulant whose leaves are chewed. Yemeni coffee is produced on approximately 99,000 small family holdings, which means the average plot of coffee is grown on just under three fourths of an acre. That acreage is often very steep, as most coffee is grown in the mountains on terraces carved out of the precipitous hillsides. Yields of Yemen coffee beans are low. The small size of the farms, scarcity of water, and poor cultivation techniques hamper production. Many of the coffee farms are cultivated by tenant farmers, and there is little motivation for investment in terracing, water conservation, and other improvements. Despite these obstacles, Yemen continues to produce outstanding coffee. Coffee from Yemen has been prized for centuries. It was once one of the top producers in the world, and its Mocha coffee, exported from the old Yemeni port of Mocha, is the original Mocha in Mocha Java, which originated when traders blended Middle Eastern coffee with the Dutch coffee from Southeast Asia. Yemeni coffee is scarce in contrast with other coffee producing nations; Yemen consumes almost three quarters of its production at home, and 55% of what it does export goes to its wealthy neighbour to the north, Saudi Arabia. We are pleased to be able to offer you a taste of this rare coffee from Yemen. Our Yemen Mattari has a superb flavour. It starts with a hint of dark chocolate in the aroma, which shows up again in the taste. The coffee is rich with medium acidity and just the right brightness, but there is something that tastes almost green or herbal that adds, perhaps, a taste of the steep mountain terraces it is grown on.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 57.99 000112-49 908 2020-07-30T13:12:25+01:00 2020-07-30T13:12:25+01:00 Tanzania (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 27.99

Coffee is one of Tanzania's main exported crops, with plantations dedicated to the cultivation of both robusta and, more often, arabica beans located across area in North Kilimanjaro, the Usambara Mountains, Morogoro, Kigoma, Ngara and other high-yielding regions. Our medium strength Tanzania coffee is shade-grown, a process that involves planting coffee under the canopy of specially selected trees, in this case banana trees, which lowers the risk that the plants and beans will burn in the higher temperatures before being harvested. Our Tanzania is ideal for filter coffees and cafetiere use.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 27.99 000112-48 908 2020-07-30T13:11:46+01:00 2020-07-30T13:11:46+01:00 Swiss Water Decaffeinated (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 33.99

Decaffeinated coffee is ideal for those who want to enjoy their favourite blends at any time of day, without the effects of caffeine. Swiss Water Process is a favourite method of decaffeinating coffee. It doesn't remove the flavour and strength of coffee beans in the act of removing the caffeine, and doesn't use any chemicals. In the method, coffee beans are first soaked in hot water to remove 99.9% of the caffeine. This liquid is then processed through activated charcoal to remove the caffeine, leaving behind the flavoured, caffeine-free liquid. The beans are then soaked in this liquid to absorb the flavour, resulting in a decaffeinated coffee bean that is 100% free of chemicals, and packed full of flavour. Our Swiss Water coffee is a medium roast Arabica from Brazil, versatile and flavoursome enough to be enjoyed filtered or as an espresso, and it won't keep you up at night.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Decaffeinated Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Decaffeinated Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 33.99 000112-47 908 2020-07-30T13:11:14+01:00 2020-07-30T13:11:14+01:00 Sidamo (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 27.99

Ethiopian coffee beans grown in the Harar, Sidamo, Yirgacheffe, or Limu regions each reveal distinct, yet uniformly excellent flavours and aromas. Our smooth Ethiopian Sidamo coffee is made from the finest Arabica beans, grown exclusively in the Sidamo Province. One of the most famous origin tales of the coffee suggests that a local innam at a Sidamo monastery threw these red coffee berries upon a fire, at which point their roasting gave off such a wonderful smell that they were raked off and boiled in water, giving birth to this much-loved coffee. These small, thin, greyish beans are highly valued for their intense flavours of spice and wine, with hints of chocolate, while the deep, floral aromas, mild strength and bright, crisp acidity make them ideal for delicious filter coffees at any time of the day.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Ethiopian Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 27.99 000112-46 908 2020-07-30T13:10:46+01:00 2020-07-30T13:10:46+01:00 Santos (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 23.99

Our Santos coffee is named after the Brazilian port where it begins its journey to the rest of the world, a journey that has been occurring since the 19th century. Brazil is the world's largest coffee producers, accounting for as much as a third of all coffee production, and has held this position for more than 150 years. Brazilian coffee plantations cover around 10,000 square miles of the country, but are generally located in the southeastern states, where the temperate climate provides ideal growing conditions. Our Santos offers a wonderful low acidity, a pleasant aroma and a light-bodied brew that makes it ideal for cafetiere and filter coffees.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Java Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 23.99 000112-45 908 2020-07-30T13:10:19+01:00 2020-07-30T13:10:19+01:00 San Salvador (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

This wonderful mild coffee is packed full of flavour and rich, strong aromas for an all-round great tasting drink that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Our San Salvador is only sourced from growers certified by the Rainforest Alliance, who have been working with coffee growers worldwide since 1995 to promote environmental conservation and sustainable livelihoods for workers across a number of industries, especially in the coffee industry. Sourced from El Salvador, this coffee makes a good espresso, but is perhaps best enjoyed prepared by filter or a cafetiere, which allows more space for the flavours to be fully enjoyed.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted El Salvador Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-44 908 2020-07-30T13:09:51+01:00 2020-07-30T13:09:51+01:00 Rwanda (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

A smooth mellow coffee with balanced acidity and a sweet lingering aftertaste. Rwandan coffee is grown on high hills in fertile volcanic soils, and the finest beans tend to be handpicked, mostly during the rainy season of March through to May.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Rwanda Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-43 908 2020-07-30T13:09:23+01:00 2020-07-30T13:09:23+01:00 Rainforest Colombian (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

An excellent example of the best Colombian coffee, offering a light sweet flavour, medium body and fruity notes. The subtle, sweeter flavours make this perfect for your favourite filter coffees, especially smooth lattes and luxuriously creamy cappuccinos.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Colombian Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-42 908 2020-07-30T13:08:51+01:00 2020-07-30T13:08:51+01:00 Peru (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

This high grown coffee has a wonderful fruity and floral taste, with a sharp acidity and a subtle chocolate finish. Coffee is one of the largest agricultural exports of Peru, with approximately 200,000 small farms spanning the country from north to south, producing high quality arabica beans. Our Peru coffee goes wonderfully in your favourite filter coffees, and will also make a delightfully sharp espresso. If you'd prefer us to do the roasting, check our our Peruvian coffee.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Peruvian Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-41 908 2020-07-30T13:08:15+01:00 2020-07-30T13:08:15+01:00 Papua New Guinea (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 23.99

Coffee in Papua New Guinea is mostly cultivated in the country's five highlands provinces; Western Highlands, Eastern Highlands, Simbu, Morobe and East Sepik. As a relatively small producer of coffee, Papua New Guinea generally sources its harvested beans from small land holdings, or 'coffee gardens', owned by farmers, which are located largely in isolated areas that do not require synthetic fertilisers or pesticides. Our Papua New Guinea coffee has a distinctive chocolate and nut flavour, with a pungent and fruity finish of mango and papaya, and is made from beans that have been hand picked and sun-dried to ensure that these full flavours are locked in.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 23.99 000112-40 908 2020-07-30T13:07:48+01:00 2020-07-30T13:07:48+01:00 Panama La Torcaza (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 34.99

Our Panama La Torcaza is grown exclusively on the Janson Brother's famous coffee estates, located in the highlands of Western Panama. The estates' rich volcanic soil, combined with ideal altitude and a relatively flat acreage, create excellent conditions for growing these fine Arabica beans. Panama La Torcaza is a medium strength coffee that is delightfully rich, with delicate floral notes and a sweet aftertaste, so you can enjoy it in all your favourite filter coffees, or as full bodied espressos.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 34.99 000112-39 908 2020-07-30T13:07:09+01:00 2020-07-30T13:07:09+01:00 Old Brown Java (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

Ideal for espresso, our strong Old Brown Java beans are aged as green beans for at least two years before being roasted, giving the coffee a heavier body and a powerful flavour, but very little acidity. The process of ageing beans is popular among many Javanese coffee producers and can last for as long as three years, during which green beans may be 'monsooned' by being exposed to the warm, moist air of the rainy seasons. As the green beans age they often begin to turn to a light brown colour, and the longer they are aged the more flavour they gain.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Java Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-38 908 2020-07-30T13:06:36+01:00 2020-07-30T13:06:36+01:00 Nicaragua (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

Coffee first came to Nicaragua in the mid 1800s, where it quickly became one of the country's largest export products, with harvests reaching more than 11,000,000 pounds and around 76,000 acres of land dedicated to growing coffee by 1891. To this day, coffee is a prime trade product for Nicaragua, where areas such as Matagalpa and Jinotega have become renowned for producing exquisite coffees, particularly in the Isabelia and Dariense mountain ranges, where rich volcanic soils and the humid tropical forest climate promote excellent harvests. Our Nicaraguan is a mild coffee of medium strength, with a great taste that is ideal for all your favourite filter coffees at any time of day.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-37 908 2020-07-30T13:06:02+01:00 2020-07-30T13:06:02+01:00 Nepal (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 57.99

Grown in the foothills of the Himalayas, this coffee reveals superb chocolate and vanilla flavours with a hint of nuttiness. Nepal, a relatively new country to the coffee industry, now has more than 700 hectares of coffee plantations set on large tracts of hilly regions that are ideal for coffee cultivation.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 57.99 000112-36 908 2020-07-30T13:05:29+01:00 2020-07-30T13:05:29+01:00 Mysore (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

The city of Mysore, located at the base of the Chamundi Hills in India, was first introduced to the world of coffee by the revered 17th century scholar, Baba Budan, who upon return from a pilgrimage to Mecca brought with him seven seeds from the port of Mocha, in Yemen, before planting them in Mysore's temperate mountains. The seeds flourished, and we have Baba Budan to thank today for the smooth and mild Mysore coffee. The sweet and delicate flavours of Mysore combine wonderfully with a medium acidity, which allows this bean, perhaps unsurprisingly, to blend perfectly with mocha coffee. The full-bodied Mysore is just the thing for a spot of indulgence at any time of the day, and all it takes is a few minutes in the cafetiere to be enjoying a wonderful, all-round great tasting brew.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-35 908 2020-07-30T13:04:56+01:00 2020-07-30T13:04:56+01:00 Myanmar (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 27.99

Our Myanmar coffee offers a round body with bright acidity. Tastes include hints of caramel, lemon and tangerine in this wonderfully different coffee. Working closely with Ywar Ngan's Danu Hill Tribe high in the Southern Shan State, Shwe Ywar Ngan Coffee produces some Myanmar's finest Arabica coffee. The area's fertile red and yellow soil coupled with ideal elevation and consistent rainfall help make Ywar Ngan a particularly accommodating environment for growing coffee. The Danu Hill Tribe are long-time residents of the Ywar Ngan township. Hundreds of farmers work on small plots between one and five acres each, tending to the same land that their ancestors did before them. Since pesticides are forbidden in this township, its residents produce in an organic style (although not yet formally organic certified). Shwe Ywar Nga Coffee works closely with each farmer to ensure that their farming practices meet global specialty coffee standards via training and assistance when required. Free of pesticides and chemicals, Shwe Ywar Ngan Coffee is grown under a variety of fruit and perennial shade trees. Cherries are hand-picked. Most are fully washed at the township's newly-created central processing facility, while others are processed naturally on raised African drying beds or blanketed in sweet mucilage then sun-soaked in a honey style.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 27.99 000112-34 908 2020-07-30T13:04:05+01:00 2020-07-30T13:04:05+01:00 Monsoon Malabar (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

Monsoon Malabar, picked in the Malabar region of India, one of the wettest regions of southern India, undergoes an especially unique process to bring out the bean's fullest flavours. Straight after being harvested the Malabar beans are transported to open warehouses along the Malabar Coast, where they will be exposed to the harsh, moist winds of the area's monsoons for around three to four months. While they are stored in these open warehouses, the beans retain moisture from the monsoons and swell in size, losing much of their acidity in the process, resulting in a heavy bodied coffee that displays a wonderfully mellow flavour, with aromas of chocolate, spice and nuts. This strong coffee, unique to the coastal regions of Karnataka and Kerala, makes an excellent espresso when dark roasted, but also blends incredibly well with other varieties.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Monsoon Malabar Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-33 908 2020-07-30T13:03:31+01:00 2020-07-30T13:03:31+01:00 Mocha (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 23.99

A mellow, fruity coffee with hints of spice and wine, Mocha is grown in the Southwest regions of Ethiopia where, according to legend, the first coffee plant was discovered by a 9th century goat herder. These beans are smaller and rounder than most other varieties, and are of the arabica variety, which is renowned for high quality and full flavours.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Java Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 23.99 000112-32 908 2020-07-30T13:02:53+01:00 2020-07-30T13:02:53+01:00 Mexican (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 24.99

This sun dried coffee has a full bodied and rich taste, with fine acidity and a special spicy aftertaste that makes it equally enjoyable as a filter coffee, or as a perky espresso. Mexican arabica is largely sourced from regions close to the Guatemalan border, where it grows particularly well in the coastal region of Soconusco, Chiapas.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Mexican Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 24.99 000112-31 908 2020-07-30T13:02:15+01:00 2020-07-30T13:02:15+01:00 Malawi (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 25.99

A full bodied, soft and rich coffee that reveals a lovely fruity aroma when brewed, and a slight, satisfying acidity. Enjoy this as a refreshing espresso, or as a luxurious filter coffee such as a smooth latte or creamy cappuccino.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 25.99 000112-30 908 2020-07-30T13:01:36+01:00 2020-07-30T13:01:36+01:00 Kopi Luwak (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 203.99

This very rare coffee, sourced from Sumatra, is among the most sought-after and exclusive coffees in the world. The coffee cherries are eaten by the Asian palm civet, a small member of the Viverridae family, and are then digested, fermented and excreted, before being collected and sorted by the knowledgable native farmers and sold on as Kopi Luwak. This process creates shorter peptides in the beans and frees amino acids, improving the flavour profile of the bean, but there is another reason why this process is loved by so many: the palm civet ostensibly selects only the finest cherries to eat, meaning the best beans are collected by the farmers. The process, which takes place on the islands of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi in the Indonesian archipelago, creates a strong, intense coffee, but with delicate flavours and very little aftertaste, making it ideal for both filter drinks and espressos. We are fundamentally opposed to captive civet cats being used in the production of Kopi Luwak. Our Kopi Luwak is imported only from natural, non-farmed sources.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Kopi Luwak if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 203.99 000112-29 908 2020-07-30T13:00:41+01:00 2020-07-30T13:00:41+01:00 Kona Hawaii (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 150.99

This luxuriously smooth and pleasingly mild coffee is sourced from a family operated plantation in the small town of Captain Cook, situated on the volcanic slopes of Mauna Loa. The plantation, established in 1997, offers the ideal elevation of 2,500 ft. for our Kona Hawaii to grow, where the beans benefit from a microclimate of sun-drenched mornings, cloud covered afternoons, mild nights and abundant rainfall that lets them mature slowly to a large size and a superb grade. Such is the perfection of this location that Kona coffees are largely considered one of the finest speciality coffees in the world, and it is only coffee that has been grown in the mineral-rich Kona Districts that can be ascribed with the coveted name. The exquisite flavours of this coffea arabica Kona makes for a truly luxurious treat, and combined with a full body and moderate acidity, this coffee is perfect for cafetiere and filters.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Kona Hawaii Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 150.99 000112-28 908 2020-07-30T13:00:08+01:00 2020-07-30T13:00:08+01:00 Kivu (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 23.99

Kivu, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo's mountainous region near Lake Kivu, is a region characterised by lush vegetation and fertile, volcanic soil that is ideal for the production of fine Arabica coffee beans. Coffee plantations in the Kivu region, which lies at the high point of the East African Rift Valley, also benefit from mild temperatures of 66 degrees F on average and high altitudes that extend the growing seasons, allowing beans to mature and ripen to their fullest before being harvested. Our mild Kivu coffee has a distinct and complex fruity flavour that lingers on the tongue, and unique aromas that you won't find in any other beans, and it is ideal for filter or cafetiere use when preparing all your favourite drinks.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Kivu Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 23.99 000112-27 908 2020-07-30T12:59:27+01:00 2020-07-30T12:59:27+01:00 Kenya Peaberry (Raw, Unroasted) Green Coffee Beans - 908g Green Coffee Beans summitmedicalphysics

Vendor: summitmedicalphysics
Type: Green Coffee Beans
Price: 28.99

Kenya Peaberry is grown in the Nyeri region, situated in the Central Highlands of Kenya, where acidic soils provide the perfect conditions for coffee that is known for intense flavours and well-rounded aromas. The peaberry variety of bean, also known as 'caracoli', is created when a coffee cherry produces only one bean, as opposed to the usual two. This single, pea-shaped bean is separated from the regular 'flat berry' beans before roasting, which ensures a high-quality even roast, and, as the peaberry has absorbed all the goodness from the cherry, a fine quality and special liquoring is achieved. Around 5% of all coffee beans harvested are of the peaberry variety, and it is often said that, due to the round shape of the bean, it roasts more evenly for a fuller, smoother flavour. Kenya Peaberry makes for an incredibly flavoursome coffee, showcasing a fine acidity combined with a slightly fruity flavour.

These beans are supplied green, un-roasted, and in a 908g bag. See our roasted Kenya Coffee if you'd prefer to receive pre-roasted coffee.

Green (Unroasted) Hidden recommendation Default Title 28.99 000112-26 908